Parish News

Vigésimo Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario / Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Los padres fieles y amorosos que tienen problemas porque sus hijos no asisten regularmente a la iglesia o se han casado fuera de la iglesia, pueden encontrar consuelo en esta parábola.

Workers in the Vineyard of God / Trabajadores en la Viña de Dios

This Sunday’s gospel reminds us that we are all workers in the vineyards of the Lord. First, I want to thank you all personally for being “co-workers” of God in his vineyard, the church.

San Lorenzo Feast Celebration

Come & join the first Diocesan combined San Lorenzo Ruiz Feast Celebration by the parish communities of St. Mary's, St. George and Presentation.

XXIV Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario / 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time

“La Eucaristía misma es un lugar de perdón. Durante el Padre Nuestro, la gente reza para que sus pecados sean perdonados al igual que ellos perdonan a los demás – la misma idea que se encuentra en el libro de Siracide y en el Evangelio.

23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time / XXIII Domingo del tiempo ordinario

Jesus teaches us a few things: First, the value of what we called in the seminary” Fraternal Correction” which required not revenge but forgiveness.

Thank You / Gracias / Salamat

We, the People of God at St. George Parish, truly live the Christian Values. Last Sunday at our Annual Festival, I was a witness of the many talented and generous members of our community.

Who Do You Say That I Am? / Quién Dice La Gente Que Soy Yo?

“In a grade school classroom, a history teacher asked her 1st grade class, who is Martin Luther King Jr.? Nobody raises a hand and the class was quiet for few seconds until one brave boy raises his hand saying, teacher, maybe he is in another classroom!” honestly if I didn't come to the US, I wouldn't know martin Luther King Jr. either.

The Canaanite Woman / La mujer cananea

Xenophobia, fear of foreigners or foreign things, seems almost a part of human nature. Grandparents may have come to this country fearing the new sights, smells, and places into which they were thrust.

19th Sunday of Ordinary Time / XIX Domingo del tiempo ordinario

Most of the trials, challenges or problems we faced are the tests of faith. How we face those trials reflects how strong our faith is.

This is my beloved Son / Éste es mi Hijo muy amado

“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; LISTEN to him” (Mathew 17, 5). Hey! Do you want to listen to Jesus?